
Search-ResultSearch-Result_1In need of a health care provider whilst traveling or as expatriate on assignment abroad?

It is not easy to find good providers in a foreign environment and looking for them in local media resources in an new language can be very cumbersome. This app allows you to find health care providers around you. On the website one can also rate and recommend/add health providers. Hence the claim “Let’s Share Good Care”
For: Microsoft Phone (Free)
Source: Medihoo

2 Photosynth


Normal pictures simply do not excite you anymore…you are looking to capture your travels with something more than static pictures?
This app actually allows you to capture your environment in 3D and 360-degrees. Excellent for travelers that want to remember everything more vividly.
For: iOS & Microsoft phone
Source: Photosynth

3 Fly Delta for iPad

Delta Fly Glass Bottom Jet
There are many airline-apps on the market.
This app has a lot of features you would expect from a airline-app (flight schedules, gate announcements, …)
But is also enhances your travel experience with cool features such as bird-eye view of the locations one is flying above.
For: iOS (Ipad – free)
Source: Fly Delta

4 101 Things to do before you go abroad

101 Things to do before you go abroad
Why should only professionals be able to recommend what where you should go and what you should see?
This Facebook app is building a list of 101 best English experiences.
It is directed towards everyone and invites people to vote and make suggestions on what to see and visit in the UK.
For: iOS & Android
Source: 101Thingstodoinengland

5 Splid

Splid Security insurance
In the time and age where everything sound recordings/pictures can be altered afterwards this app offers a guarantee that the pictures and sounds stored with it have not been altered since they were entered. Under the motto seeing is believing, the app can be an insurance for many things you may encounter on your travels (dirty hotel rooms, car accidents, inedible food, aggression) which might necessitate making a specific claim. This app may offer you the necessary “proof” you need to support your claim.
For: iOS
Source: Splid

6 Minube

Are you a big fan of communities? Do you like to get infos and recommendations from fellow travelers? Then check out this app:
This easy to use app gives you tips and recommendations on where to stay, what to visit, where to eat and a lot more from millions of fellow travelers.
For: iOS & Android & Microsoft phone
Source: Minube

Airports by TravelNerd


Knowing your way around in any place can be helpful, especially when traveling and passing through an airport
Need to find your way on any given airport? Where are the gates, where is there a free wifi zone, where are the toilets: This app can come in handy.
For: iOS (Free)
Source: TravelNerd

Air France Music

There is music in the air. And this is to be taken literally. This app gives you access to tons of music and other entertainment items.
Also some exclusive non released titles can be found through the app.
For: iOS & Android
Source:  Air France Music

Xe Currency

Every person traveling outside the zone of his home currency will need it: a currency conversion tool. Unless you are a mathematical genius most you will probably benefit from not having to calculate all conversions yourself. This is a straight forward app doing just that. It is accurate and allows you to store historical rates. 
For: iOS & Android
Source: XE Currency Converter

10 SeatGuru

seatguru app
Every airplane is different. What are the best seats? This app shares this kind of information from millions of flyers.
Which seats are closest to the toilets. Which seats get often bumped into by people moving up the cabin. This unique kind of information is what this app is all about.
For: iOS & Android
Source: SeatGuru

11 Waze

waze app
Yes most of built-in or mobile GPS devices already have some sort of traffic announcements. But before hitting the road you might want to consider downloading this app: a social GPS traffic announcement
Their claim: “Get the best route, every day, with real–time help from other drivers. Waze is the world’s largest community-based traffic and navigation app. Join other drivers in your area who share real-time traffic and road info, saving everyone time and gas money on their daily commute.”
For: iOS & Android
Source: Waze

12 SnapCast

You think taking photos of your traveling experiences is just somewhat too boring?
Than try this app: it lets you take videos that you can easily post on your blog or travel website with no necessity to spend too much time editing.
Now you can surprise your readers with existing new post that show your personal videos
For: iOS
Source: SnapCast

13 TripIt Free

TripItNeed some support in organizing your travels? This app may help you in doing just that:
Their claim: The “where have you been all my life” travel organizing app
TripIt automagically creates a master itinerary for every trip for instant access to all your travel plans—anytime, on any device.
For: iOS & Android
Source: TripIt

Apart from number 1 the list has been taken from CNN
The text is based on respective descriptions on the provider’s websites