What is physiotherapy?
Etymology: therapy that uses physical agents like exercises and massage instead of drugs.
It’s a healthcare profession dedicated to working with people, for people. To identify problems directly connected with diseases and help patients recover their ability to move so they can achieve some form of a cure.
Physiotherapists are involved with promoting optimal mobility through physical activity. By using therapeutic exercises, they work on rehabilitation injuries while in the meantime educating people to attain a high level of health. The profession of physiotherapist is committed to health, lifestyle and quality of life.

It is impossible to create a complete list of situations where a physiotherapist can make the difference. Among all the ailments where therapeutic exercises are most efficient arthritis, asthma, back pain, cancer, cardiovascular, cerebral palsy, chronic pain, fractures, incontinence, stroke and vestibular disorders are the most prominent.

The physiotherapists approach
Again, it is impossible to create an exhaustive list. The techniques most used are:

  • massage
  • Joint mobilization
  • Personalized exercises programs to improve strength, range of motion and function
  • Airway clearance methods
  • Management of incontinence including pelvic floor re-education
  • Vestibular exercises
  • Joint manipulation(osteopathy)

He can add electro-stimulation, shockwave (tendinitis problems), ultra-sound, cryotherapy and swimming pool exercises to the mix. The end goal is to create a personalized treatment program.
Because of the wide variety of techniques one cannot expect that a single therapist masters them all. Therefore it is not possible to recommend a given therapist in general but rather to recommend a given therapist for a given technique

Our approach
My private clinic has a swimming pool, and thanks to my continuous training as sport physiotherapist specializing in cardio training, and osteopathy I have created a program including swimming pool exercises, specific back exercises, massage and mobilization or manipulation.
We work with every type of patient: from babies with breathing issue to athletes with sports injuries like tendinitis, sprains and muscle tears.
My colleagues complete our programs with specialties like pelvic floor re-education, manual lymphatic massage, … check our Medihoo.com profile for more information.
Physiotherapy is becoming more and more important as a treatment without drugs and pills! More specifically for France we see a change: the  “physio-school” will be linked to the university. This means that the used techniques will be scientifically validated and the educational path to become a physical therapist will now take 4 instead of 3 years. In general the linking to the university adds value to the professional of physical therapists i.e. gains recognition and adds to the diversity of available therapeutic solutions for the hospitals linked to the University.

Marc P
By Marc Pretti
Physical Therapist at
View Medihoo Profile HERE
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