Aggressive new HIV strain detected in Cuba

An aggressive form of HIV has been discovered in Cuba. It develops into full-blown AIDS within just three years. Researchers said the…

Some Fitness Hacks put into a nice infographic…

Living healthier can start with small changes in day to day live. Enjoy reading... Source: TribeSports

Where to put your foor in the fridge to optimize efficiency

Ever noticed that some parts of the refrigerator are colder than others? Well this also has an impact on where to store what kind of food…

FDA Approves Telescopic Bionic Eye Implant

The FDA announced that it had approved a telescopic eye implant that can help the visually impaired. The procedure involves removing the…

YANHEE INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL in Bangkok / Thailand received a positive rating on

YANHEE INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL Charansanitwong Road 454 Bangkok Thailand This health provider received a positive rating on Medihoo

Schizophrenia, Depression and Addiction show similar pattern of gray-matter loss in the brain

Diagnoses as different as depression, addictions and schizophrenia are all linked to a similar pattern of gray-matter loss in the brain, a…

Panel Says Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Is A Disease, And Renames It

A 15 member panel of the institute of Medicine - an independent government advisory body - redefines and renames the "chronic Fatigue…

Ever heard of the SCIENTIFIC 7 MINUTE WORKOUT? Well check it out…

Ever since the American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM) published an article in it's Health & Fitness Journal with the title…

NASA treadmill at Bournemouth hospital helps injured walk

A treadmill using technology designed for astronauts is being used to help patients in Bournemouth. It will be used to help people with leg…