Medihoo has been Founded in 2014 by chairman Jeroen Van de Velde with the purpose to help people find, recommend and evaluate good healthcare providers on an international level.
What does this mean?
For Clients:
People can search, find, add and evaluate more then 1000 different types of healthcare providers! Doctors, nurses, physical therapists, opticias, pharmacies, hospitals, ambulance services, and many many more!
Let’s share good care!
For Providers:
Being aware of the importance of visibility, accessibility, transparency of healthcare offers, providers can register, upload pictures, give detailed descriptions of who they are and what they offer, can show their banners, find benchmarkpartners.
Medihoo, your professional face to the world! 
Partners of Medihoo can integrate the searchengine in their website to improve the support they give to their clients if they are looking for good care:’Insurer compagnies, embassies, travel agencies, companies that send out expats, …
Help your clients, let us help you!
More than 4 million providers are listed allready!!!!
Why is it important to see healthcare in a translocal even international perspective?

  • Increased use of internet and mobility led to an increased willingness of people to look far beyond local borders to find good healthcare GRAPHIC
  • Increased specialisation of different care offers: more and more specific centers are hyper specialized in one type of care to provide care to a huge region.
  • Increased health tourisme GRAPHIC
  • Increased tendency of people to change their living region for work, family, studies, ……GRAPHIC
  • Potential clients are more aware of the importance of visibility, accessibility, transparency of healthcare offers. They’ll be prepared to go further away to find this convincing qualities
  • To auto-evaluate and imorove quality there is a strong need for finding comparable benchmarkpartners. Often this is only possible far beyond local borders.

Be inviting to people from all over the world!!!
Why do we include many types of healthcareproviders?

  • increased collaboration between medical, paramedical and other healthcare providers asked for another approach. One database, one platform for one heterogenous family around one client.
  • fragmentation of health reduces quality, therefor we want to bring clients and providers closer together
  • Why exclude some types of healthcare providers, knowing that they all share the same purposes: improving your health, increasing your happiness, taking care of you in a most professional way!
  • We can learn from eachother! The divirsity in approaches, presentations, visions, methods etc etc can be enormously enriching!